Designed for reliability and speed for manual and semi-automatic grinding and polishing in the lab or next to the production line, LaboSystem is ready for your inspection. The LaboSystem is a modular grinding and polishing system, offering a choice of three LaboPol polishers, three LaboForce specimen movers, and two LaboDoser dosing units. The three units enable seven robust combinations to provide adaptability for the changing needs in demanding production environments. Struers’ LaboSystem also has the endurance and speed needed to keep up with 24/7 throughput, enabling faster and more reliable preparation of specimens.
LaboPol is made from overall corrosion-resistant and impact-proof materials. All the new LaboSystem products have been subject to 40,000 cycles of durability testing and six months of field tests in four different countries.
LaboSystem is easy to learn, enabling operators with no previous experience to come up to full preparation speed within minutes. The 300 mm dia. disk size option means 44 larger preparation area (compared to 250 mm dia.), shorter processing time, and less time standing at the polisher.
The modular design of LaboSystem allows the users to design preparation or grinding/polishing equipment to suit their individual needs. It is possible to upgrade LaboSystem along the way to accommodate new requirements.
LaboSystem is available in many variations, see specifications for details.
Struers’ equipment is in conformity with the provisions of the applicable international directives and their appurtenant standards.
Struers’ products are subject to constant product development. Therefore, we reserve the right to introduce changes to our products without notice.